Poetische Flucht in die Wirklichkeit / Poetical escape into reality, 2019Event – Art Movie Evening in the Cinema Kiwi Scala, Schaffhausen. Photo: Carmen E. Kreis.
Judith Albert | Myrien Barth | André Bless | Eva Borner & Dmitrij Gawrisch & Hans Peter Gutjahr | Anja Braun & Wendelin Schmidt-Ott | Christine Camenisch & Johannes Vetsch | collectif_fact, A. Schneider & C. Piguet | Anja Ganster | Mireille Gros | Alexander Hahn | Marianne Halter | Eric Hattan | Susanne Hofer | Thomas Kneubühler | Carmen E. Kreis | Lukas Marxt | Alexandra Meyer & Chris Hunter | Monika Rechsteiner | Stefan Rohner. It shows films representing the poetic sides of everyday life and move in the border area between reality and fiction. The moving images create new worlds, making fleeting moments visible beyond the moment. Many of the films are not "staged", work with long sequences and build up a tension with everyday objects as protagonists. The works, which are superficially based in a personal examination of everyday life, can also be read as reflections of society and political events. Curators: Carmen E. Kreis and Eveline Schüep. → Flyer of the Art Movie Evening (in German) → Websites of the exposing artists and the Art Movie Evening Photos of the exhibition → Poetische Flucht in die Wirklichkeit / Poetical escape into reality |