über-setzen / trans-formed, 2005Installation view / 1-channel video projection, stereo, 4'34'' (loop)
The video engages dialogically with the relationship between scientific and artistic discourse. The work is based on fragments and sequences in which the art scholar Jacques Geninasca explains aspects of his theory of the perception of the picture format. These elements consist of close-ups of the scholar's gestures and voice particulars such as his language, word choice, melody and rhythm.
I put these close-ups in my own artistic discourse. Consisting of deconstructed interventions and with various pictures added to it, this discourse irritates and raises questions. It also uses image and sound fragments from ĞMotus vivendiğ, one of my earlier works which is therefore put in a new context.
The work does not seek to make Geninasca's semiotically based theory comprehensible in a pedagogic or documentary sense. The video is much more an attempt to approach his theory and, at the same time, to enable an artistic discussion of 'scientific logic', which should be understood as a genuine piece of art in its own right. Video from the exhibition, Ausstellungsraum Klingental → TRABANT #10 – Videoarbeiten / Video works, 2008 |